Admitting you’re wrong defeats your pride

Travis Kunze
3 min readJul 27, 2020


One of the biggest issues our society faces today is the issue of pride! There is not a single person in existence that doesn’t have some form of pride in their lives whether it is personal pride, professional pride, relational pride, or even topical pride where their pride is only based on certain topics of interest to them.

Now Pride itself is not a bad thing, being proud of your accomplishments is a good thing! The issue becomes when you allow your pride to be the ruler of your life, when you use your pride to define yourself as being better than others. There is not one person who is better than another! Maybe they are better skilled in one set of skills, but there will be someone who is still better in that same skill set, as well as in another skill set altogether.

Pride should be a foundation in leading you to have the motivation and inspiration to continue bettering yourself. To see what you’ve accomplished and what you can still accomplish more of.

An individual’s pride can kick into overdrive when you face being judged, or worse yet when you are wrong about something. In fact when you are wrong, and you know it deep down that you are wrong whether it be in what you believe, or a decision you have made, that is the time pride will kick in as more of a defense mechanism and can influence you to make poor decisions such as not admitting you’re wrong.

Not admitting when you’ve made mistakes, when you’ve failed, or when you’ve made wrong decisions not only can hurt your reputation, but it will also harm yourself. If you are not willing to accept mistakes you’ve made you are then refusing to learn from them and learning how to not make the same mistake again.

One of the best decisions you can make for yourself is recognize when you are wrong, and not only admit to others when you are wrong, but admit to yourself that you’ve been wrong. Yes, it can feel like total failure, like a load of crap is dumped on you. Because NO ONE likes being wrong. NO ONE likes to fail.

Why do we hate being wrong, and failing? Because we’ve allowed society to develop this mindset that if you fail you can never succeed! This is the biggest load of lies you can ever allow yourself to believe. Take it from someone who spent too much of their life believing it.

Every Time I’ve failed, every time I’ve not found success, every time I’ve not made the right decision in how to handle things I’ve struggled to recover because I let each of those times have a negative impact on my life. Each of those negative moments I fell into a deeper and deeper state of depression, anger, anxiety, and had no hope that I could ever succeed or any chance of making the right decision so I stopped caring and made worse and worse decisions in my life.

When I finally had my wakeup call and focused on learning from my mistakes and failures, which meant admitting that I was wrong, my life took a swing upwards, not just professionally but in my personal life too!

Take a moment to examine the mistakes and failures you’ve made in your life, what could you have done differently to avoid these mistakes or failures? How can you change to avoid making the same mistake again? It is NEVER too late to change!

Looking for more information on how you can achieve success in your life? Not just professionally but in your personal, and even spiritual life? Check out No Secret 2 Success for more content being regularly produced examining lives, and methods of finding success.



Travis Kunze
Travis Kunze

Written by Travis Kunze

On path for Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, and Certification in Neurology. Focused on making the world a better place!

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