Why am I always happy? Take off the mask.

Travis Kunze
4 min readAug 12, 2020

The truth is I am far from always being happy. I rarely let others witness my lack of happiness though. Usually if others are going to witness a lack of joy from me it is because they either royally pissed me off, or because I have hit an overwhelming state emotionally. Even my closest friends and family members I will rarely allow them to know when I am in a negative state of being.

Sadly negativity is a common state of being for the world. It’s not just a particular group of individuals, literally everyone deals with stress, anger, frustration, sadness, and heartbreak. All of these things not even mentioning the fact that anxiety and depression are a huge problem throughout the world as well.

Why Am I Always Happy?

You might be wondering at this point why does the title of this article ask the question of “Why Am I Always Happy” when I have made it clear that I am not always happy at all? Because I’ve gotten good at wearing a mask. The pain and negativity you go through can have more of an effect on the others around you then many will realize. It has become common practice to wear a mask and hide your pain, sadness, frustration, anger, depression and more in order to have less of an outgoing effect. Not only does it hide all of this negativity from you but it keeps others from judging you and effecting things such as your career.

Removing The Mask

Sometimes when you are wearing a mask you’re not wearing it to make others feel like you are doing well, you are wearing that mask to lie to yourself that you are fine. The truth of the matter is more often than not when we wear the mask to appear happy to others we are actually wearing that mask to appear happy to ourselves. We are hiding our pain from ourselves, trying to make it numb with the hopes that one day it may just disappear altogether.

This is why you need to take the mask off yourself. If you don’t face your pains you are only fueling it to grow deeper. You are making it easier for yourself to hurt, and as well as for you to hurt others because a time will come when that mask becomes worn out, and can be seen through or you can see the gaps that tear through it.

Choose to be happy for yourself!

It is easy to put on a fake happiness for others, but it is more important to work with yourself emotionally to make yourself happy because if you are not happy yourself it will only cause other pain to deepen.

For myself I have faced a lot of pain both physically, and emotionally over the years. Some of it was self induced over poor decisions I made throughout my younger years. Other pain was because of relationships that never should of happen in the first place, or the several health issues I’ve had that have destroyed parts of me. I lived in a dark state of depression, anger, anxiety, and loneliness for several years because of these poor decisions and health issues. I destroyed what relationships I had with my family, and most of my friends. It wasn’t until about the 3rd time being rushed to the ER and almost dying again that I suddenly had the lightbulb come on saying, “wake up dummy you’re only making things worse for yourself.”

It took a lot of time but I’ve thankfully come a long way in my health though I still face a lot of health concerns I’m not quite as much in a dark spirit about them. I also have thankfully restored a lot of relationships that I burned, as well as developed new relationships with good people. I’ve learned to eliminate the toxicity in my life so that I maintain a mostly positive outlook on things even when it would be easy to quit, give up, or fall back into a dark spirit.


In closing I want to say I have lived the last several years more joyfully, with more opportunities, and positive experiences than I had in the years before, because I chose to face the issues, and the problems I had in my life. I chose to eliminate the toxic sources that were spewing into my life. I chose to become happy, and thankful for the positivity in my life, rather than sad, depressed and angered by the lack of desires in which I still work to achieve today.



Travis Kunze

On path for Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, and Certification in Neurology. Focused on making the world a better place!